Emus, Nidigully, QLD
Publications & Reports
Welcome to our Publications and Reports page where you will find a collection of valuable resources produced by Ecotourism Australia.
Corporate Strategy 2022-2025
In September 2022, we released our Corporate Plan 2022-2025 which guides our strategic focus and operations. We are building on our legacy through new products and services to support nature-based, eco and sustainable tourism with our strategic objectives:
Is recognised as the credible peak body for sustainable, eco, regenerative and nature-based tourism in Australia and the Pacific.
Is proactively driving targeted partnerships and diversified revenue streams to achieve strategic outcomes.
Certification products and services are the gold standard for existing and new member categories that match our peak body scope.
Has a strategic plan supported by business systems and processes to grow; and is agile in responding to emerging opportunities and threats.
We continue to focus our efforts on six strategic priorities:
Legacy Leader
Goal: Deliver globally recognised certification and recognition programs across Australia and the South Pacific
Strengthening Industry
Goal: Strengthen and promote our industry and recognise the contribution of ECO certified operators and destinations to Australia and the South Pacific; generate value for our members; and deliver new products and services for the broader tourism industry.
Goal: Provide a credible and respected voice for ecotourism, nature-based tourism, and sustainable tourism across our region; focus on positive outcomes generated by quality tourism and play a strategic national role in identifying issues and solutions.
Strategic Partnerships
Goal: Identify strategic partnerships for collaboration and program delivery, measuring and demonstrating value added to the UN Tourism, previously United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) objectives for sustainable, nature-based and ecotourism.
Brand Awareness
Goal: Through effective communication, marketing, and positioning, supported by key industry research and data, increase awareness of Ecotourism Australia, and the products, services, and programs we deliver.
Sustainable Operations
Goal: Ensure Ecotourism Australia is a sustainable organisation with prosperous growth opportunities.
Annual Reports
2022/23 Report
2021/22 Report
2020/21 Report
2019/20 Report
2018/19 Report
Latest News
Latest news and blog articles covering the news, events, industry plus media releases from Ecotourism Australia.